Friday, January 13, 2012


Most of us have dreams. And lots of us do pursue our dreams ardently. I too have a pet dream buried deep within me, but until recently, I paid very little heed to the nudging and prodding of my mind.
Right from childhood, I had fallen headlong in love with words. Being the youngest of the three siblings, and with quite an age difference among the three of us, I used to feel a lot alone. Until I learned to read, and a whole magical world of words opened up to me. Being a very imaginative person, my imagination soared as I kept reading and the stories took on a hue and color of their own. I vividly imagined being one among the Famous Five, or being Perry Mason arguing out a very difficult legal battle. As I continued to read, I imagined myself being one of the lead characters in the stories and novels.
As years passed, books were my constant companions. I continued to read voraciously. At School, my English teacher noticed my penchant for words and assigned me to take part in several inter school essay writing competitions. Even though I was assailed with self doubts, I won prizes galore at all of those essay competitions. On leaving school, my Principal called me to her office and advised me to take up journalism. God knows what got in to me but I decided to major in Commerce, a decision I regret to this day.
Years later, after a series of jobs teaching at schools, and working in the Insurance and Banking sector, I found myself feeling dissatisfied with life at large. I kept doodling articles and stories at home to tide over my unease. One fine day it struck me that I had all along turned my back on my greatest dream and passion- to be known as a writer. I penned down an article and sent it off to the New Indian Express. I was so sure of a rejection slip but wonder of wonders-it was published with my by-line! That was enough compensation for the years of dissatisfaction and nagging doubts that had continued to haunt me.
I kept contributing to leading dailies, magazines and online portals and all my articles continued to be accepted. I mustered up enough courage to apply to a magazine and I was appointed as Associate Editor. My joy knew no bounds. My dream was, and still is, to be an acclaimed and well appreciated writer. At least I had made a start.
One fine evening, two years back, while randomly browsing through Face book, I noticed a posting inviting contributors to the Chicken Soup series. I had no doubts this time about sending in a short story, but had not quite imagined that it would be accepted, let alone be published.
Six months elapsed and one fine evening, a package was delivered at my residence in Chennai. It was an attractively packaged cover and curious about its contents opened it gingerly to find two glossy books from Chicken Soup series!! And a cheque enclosed within. Chicken Soup series had sent me my own copies of the book where my story had been published. I turned the pages to read the story published in the Chicken Soup for the Soul Indian women series. My name and a brief write up about me as an author were included. To the complete amazement of my husband and daughter, I burst into tears. Tears of joy!
This had been my calling. If and a very big “IF” it is…. If only I had heeded the advice of my School Principal, and cashed in on my strength rather than meandering my way through life…..
“Better late than never. Good going. More power to your writing. Pursue your dream of making it big in the literary arena”-Maya Mohan, my English teacher, mentor and current Principal of my school had this to say when I informed her about this. She hugged me warmly and blessed me.
Her words continue to resonate in my mind. True to her words, true to my heart, my dream will be realized in Divine Order.


  1. Hi Valsala, i am really happy , now you are on the right track.Goodluck and blessings to you I now see myself reading your book Best wishes to you Saila

  2. Awesome! Reading your article is like pressing the refresh button of our memory.
    Essay Writing Competitions & Article Writers
