Saturday, November 17, 2012

New year (RE) resolutions

2013 is just round the corner; just one and a half months away. Being a great one for procrastination, I am all geared up to change and turn over a new leaf. I am all geared up as usual to start on my long list of “brand new “New year resolutions. Iam thrilled that I always have a New Year to look forward to. It will usher in changes in my life, life style, and I launch into a day dream as to how my life‘s going to change for the better, catapulting me into instant famedom. Inspired by this, I make a beeline for the nearest Landmark outlet and browse around for a lovely classy well designed notepad to list out my New Year Resolutions. Well, I come back home duly charged but not without having splurged a bomb on buying best sellers, and self-help books. In the process, I have made a huge dent in my credit card limits but I am not disheartened. Am I not being proactive by deciding to list out all my dreams and resolutions? I make a mental list of all that I need to finish during the span of the year- 2013. Finishing the creative writing course with Writers Bureau tops the list. A niggling thought that I had ventured into it five years back rears its ugly head but I push the thought down firmly and clamp it down with oodles of optimism.2013 is The year, after all; I curl upon the sofa and surround myself with several of the newly bought books. I commence on a brand new self-help best seller, then decide to give myself and the book a break, wander into the kitchen with yet another book to read while finishing up cooking; remember, I am being “proactive”. Needless to say, I read a little, cook a lot and then make my way back to the sofa. All this while, my husband was looking on with a disapproving eye. I ignore him and open my brand new Land mark notepad and pen down my dreams and resolutions for the coming year. Completing my creative writing course, of course, tops the list; then comes redoing my home and getting organized. Keep fit, embark on a fitness regime, and be proactive. The list goes on until I have penned down more than twenty well-meant New Year resolutions. I feel on top of the world. While I curl up to watch TV, my husband takes a peek into the freshly penned down resolutions. I let him do so, feeling very proud of myself.” Oh wow! He’s going to be proud of his better half! What a proactive lady he has for a wife!”- I visualize all this mentally, while watching him out of the corner of my eye. To my utter dismay, he strolls out without commenting and I console myself thinking,’ Never mind, I ‘m going places”. A few minutes later, he walks in holding onto a pile of old diaries tucked under his arm.” Do you realize that you have been penning down the same old “resolutions” for several years now? Over the past five years, you have written them down diligently in the same order!” I am rudely brought down to face reality. I notice several note pads and diaries beautifully crafted and designed ones that were never used beyond the first few pages. He dumped them all into my lap. The incorrigible optimist that I am, I refused to be disillusioned. Smiling cheekily at him, I manage to mutter a thank you under my breath.” Thanks for digging out all my note pads and diaries. I have been wondering where they all were. Now I can use them to pen down my articles and assignments.” My husband looks daggers at me. So much for all my New Year resolutions; nevertheless, its fun penning them down and renewing our dreams. But the trick lies in sticking to them beyond the first month. I am sticking to them, past January end. Hopefully……..