Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Yet another cold and clammy evening made interesting and lively by reading through letters written years back by family and friends...its sad that the art of leter writing has died down.

Technology has made life easier and faster but deprived us of life's tiny pleasures. Emails connect us to our dear and near, but they need to be cleared periodically from the inbox and they are lost to us forever. Not so with letters- they can be treasured, cherished and read countless number of times, allowing us the pleasure of being able to relive those precious moments in time.

Letters are like our favorite paperbacks- silent partners and soulmates, who are easily accessible at any time.The words leap out at you painting beautiful imageries of days past, people not -so-easily -forgotten, but tucked deep away in the recesses of our hearts, those wonderful folks who made their entry very briefly into our lives leaving indelible marks in our hearts....

One such letter from my nephew evoked memories of Onam at Ernakulam. Settled for more than a decade at Chennai, those long ago days spent with my sister , nephew and neice evoke fond memories. "Roopsangam has come to town, Kabi" my nephew had mentioned in the letter, detailing every tiny thing transpiring at Ernakulam those days. My mind flew back literally to those days when my sister , myself and our kids used to frequent Roopsangam at TDM Hall, Garden Vareily expos at Rama Varma Club, street side shopping, sticky cotton candies licked enjoyably, pop corn, pori and drinking glasses of frothy sugar cane juice to top it all...

I smile at the memory of all of us trudging back home after each day of Onam shopping , with our hands full of knick knacks, odds and ends, purses nearly empty but our hearts overflowing with merriment and joy.

As I sit here at Chennai on this cold winter's evening, these letters brought some much needed respite and cheer. If only we could travel back in time, and watch happy grins blossom on the faces of my daughter, neice and nephew, making inevitable plans for more" karakkam"(shopping) the next day.

Each letter in my collection evokes fond memories.. sometimes sad, sometimes hilarious. Its a kind of time travel we embark on with these letters. Several of those near and dear ones have passed on, leaving behind fond, yet misty eyed memories. My Dad, uncle(Jayan Mama)and many more have moved on ... But my Dad still continues to live and offer profound advise through several of his letters....

Memories continue to be cherished and treasured through these huge pile of letters... no technological advancements can erase them.

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