Saturday, August 9, 2014

Reveries unplugged

I am on the beach at Kanyakumari, with my parents and siblings. We drove down to this cape town and I am thrilled!. I can see the bright white sands of the beach and the waves in frothy white creamy layers lapping gently at the shore. This is Kanyakumari, the land of the beautiful Goddess in love, and this place has always intrigued me. More than the vast stretch of beach or the Vivekananda rock, I am fascinated by the tale of the Goddess residing here. I find it very romantic and a little sad to imagine the Goddess in all her beautiful bridal attire waiting for the Lord of the lords, Mahadev to wed her, but due to a prank played by Narada, the cock crows early, and Mahadev, thinking that the sacred hour of wedlock is past, retraces his steps back home. Goddess remains  on this island, her love remaining unrequited.  

I find this tale deeply moving and my heart goes out to this lovely Goddess. 
This island has always intrigued and fascinated me . I love watching the golden orb of the sun vanish into the seas, setting the sands aflame . The sands on the beach here are multi hued; legend has it that the Goddess threw away the turmeric and saffrons kept ready for the holy wedlock. 

The breeze tugs at my stray locks while I remain standing on the beach lost in my reveries. The sky turns deep purple and slowly the moon rises;I can smell the salty tang of the sea, and even though I feel elated at being here, I feel sad for the Goddess. We worship her at the temple, and the glitter and glow of her nose stud mesmerizes me.  As it shines brightly, I watch as if in a trance...
Mom wants me to retire to bed early but my sister and I want to do a bit of shopping. As we traverse down the beach, an insistent shopkeeper tries to sell me a hair band but I refuse. But his crestfallen face tugs at my heart as we walk away. And it continues to haunt me through the night!...

I wish i had bought that hair band...

the day dawns bright and fresh and we go out to the beach to watch the sun rise in all its magnificent glory. I am wearing a bright orange kurta and black pants to go with it; my hair is tied back with a scarf to keep my wayward hair in check.

My spirits soar as I watch the sunrise, and its beams ignite the waves and lend them a sparkle all on its own...  I know I wouldn't be returning here any time soon.. and i drink in the scenario wanting it to remain forever etched in memory.
My eyes scan the beach for the way side vendor.. but I do not find him anywhere. I finally settle for buying a hair band from another eager vendor and I console myself thinking that I had done my wee bit towards helping humanity. 

Its time to leave the island. As we board the car, my heart feels heavy. I feel immensely sad at leaving the beautiful Goddess alone on this island. As the car weaves its way through the beach side road, I glance out at the sparkling waves. . Each sparkling wave reminds me of the Goddess's resplendent diamond nose stud,and I feel that she is beckoning me to stay back and keep Her company.

' I will be back soon'- I assure Her in my mind...." and just You and me can take long walks along the moon washed beach at night, and i want you to tell me about your unrequited love...'
A gust of wind tugs at my scarf and a flower from nowhere, falls on to my lap.. 
I feel blessed, I knew the Goddess had acknowledged my deep love for Her.